Montag, 21. Juni 2010

The good-looking Black man - a wild, sauvage animal?


No question: Usain Bolt is a very good looking man, his athletic body does speak of strength and stamina  - looking at him certainly a lot of women do waste the one or other longing thought.

One can surely also see this star-athlete as an icon of the Black Society itself, for he is a role-model for millions of young people in the Caribbean, the United States and maybe most of all in Africa. They all do want to believe that you can realy make it like Usain Bolt, leave behind the often sad everyday life and get successful, famous and rich - so much that even the (white) rest of the world is full of envy, longing for the same, but must stay behind.

Projections like this are part of the foundation on which many Black Stars have built their worldwide fame - because "only" with skill, ambition and an iron will a status like this can hardly be grapped and kept, this is at least very unlikely. It is therefore very understandable that some of these stars long to shine as bright as only possible, as long as the hype around them persists. To make advertising is one accepted, possible way today as well as the continuous availability for the international press.

So far, so good. But what can bring a best-looking, super-famous and highly-acclaimed man to sell himself for money - of which he undoubtedly has more than abundant by now - to being marketed around the world as a wild animal? Is this the roll-model that Usain Bolt wants to show the children and young people of this world?

The Black man, animal-like, steaming, with clothes that hang, torrn down, loose from his body - the image of the hot dance (and having sex) with Blacks is already clearly superimposed by the implication of an animal-copulation, violent sex without rules, maybe rape.


The only word of this otherwise quite speechless current commercial, which is constantly repeated, is "animalistic" - the name of the new fragrance by the company Puma (that is put on the worldwide market just at the same time when the Worldcup is on in Africa) sounds somewhat alike. 
Do the company's executives in the upper floors not know that rape is one of the most terrible and numerous problems in Africa today? Hasn't this global player already made enough money with the Worldcup itself (as one of the sponsors, as they have originally just sold football-items to the world anyway)?

Black men can - just like White, Yellow or Red - be absolutly EVERYTHING: role models, celebrities, athletes, stars, presidents, teachers, fathers and lovers. Just the same as rapists and murderers, in Africa and elsewhere. That just is the nature of mankind, all over the world.

And that's why Black men - no matter what anyone says - can not be animal-like - not an "animal ", not animalistic.

Because they are human. 

And we humans - unlike animals - were given the reason (ratio) so that we do have the opportunity to make decisions and choices  - for us selves and for our lives, which are sometimes so big (important?) that they do have an impact on other people's lives.

Don't you know that, Brother Usain?

Usain Bolt,Leichtathletik-Star aus Jamaika 2007/Phil McEllhinney/Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0/Wikimedia Commons
Usain Bolt, Leichtathletik-Star aus Jamaika/Eckhard Pecher/Creative Commons ShareAlike License 2.5/Wikimedia Commons
Video: YouTube/Puma

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